Sunday, July 14, 2013

Response to Blogging

Blogging is a hot topic that has overtaken the schools. In this 21st century learning word, students are expected to interpret and analyze information in new ways. Zawilinski (2010) defines blogging as "a blog, short for weblog, is an easily editable webpage with posts or entries organized in reverse chronological order...The internet is this generations defining technology for literacy. It is home to a continuously emerging set of new technologies for literacy such as search engines, e-mail, blogs, wikis, instant messenger, social networking tools, and many others yet to emerge. Each requires new skills and strategies." Oravec (2002) also commented that weblogs are to be considered a genre in this given day and age. If this is to be true, and our students are increasingly dependent on technology then it's essential for them to navigate through these new strategies in order to better interpret what technology demands of them.

We can see how students around the world are using blogs to connect globally and also to create meaningful writing that strengthens literacy. Davis and McGrail (2009) share examples of successful blogging projects of a fifth grade class. This project allowed the students to connect with people around the world. Students from various countries could "comment" on their posts. These fifth graders were excited to see new posts. Writing through blogs encouraged students and engaged them in their writing. This kind of project takes basic objectives and adapts them for 21st century learners.

Davis, A.P., & McGrail, E., (2009, May). The joy of blogging. Educational Leadership, 66(6),  74-77.
Downes, S.  (2004, Sept/Oct). Educational blogging, Educause Review, 14-26.
Oravec, J.A.  (2002, Apr). Bookmarking the world: Weblog applications in education. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 45(7), 616-622.

Zawilinski, L. (2009, May).  HOT blogging:  A framework for blogging to promote higher order thinking.  The Reading Teacher, 62(8), 650-661.

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